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Chromebook klávesové zkratky

Klávesové zkratky pro Chromebooky

Klávesové zkratky pro Chromebook

Basic Chrome Functions
Ctrl + P Open Print dialog
Ctrl + S Save the current webpage
Navigating Tabs and Windows
Ctrl + N Open new window
Ctrl + Shift + N Open new incognito window
Apps and Shelf
Alt + 1 — Alt + 8 Open shelf apps 1-8
Alt + 9 Open last app on the shelf

The Chromebook Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet



Basic Chrome Functions

Ctrl + R

Refresh the page

Ctrl + Shift + R

Refresh the page without loading cache

Ctrl + O

Open a file

Ctrl + H

View History

Ctrl + J

Open Downloads

Ctrl + D

Bookmark current page

Ctrl + Shift + D

Bookmark all open tabs

Ctrl + Shift + B

Toggle bookmarks bar

Alt + E

Open Chrome's menu

Search + Esc

Open Task Manager

Ctrl + U

View page source

Ctrl + Shift + I

Open the Developer Tools panel

Navigating Tabs and Windows

Ctrl + T

Open new tab

Ctrl + W

Close current tab

Ctrl + Shift + W

Close current window

Ctrl + Shift + T

Reopen last closed tab

Ctrl + 1 — Ctrl + 8

Switch to tab 1-8

Ctrl + 9

Switch to last tab

Ctrl +Tab

Move to next tab

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Move to prior tab

Ctrl + Click

Open link in a new tab

Ctrl + Shift + Click

Open link in a new tab and switch to it immediately

Shift + Click

Open link in a new window

Apps and Shelf

Alt + Tab

Switch to last-opened app; keep pressing to cycle through apps

Alt + Shift + Tab

Switch to least recently opened app; keep pressing to cycle through apps

Alt + [

Pin current app to the left side of the screen

Alt + ]

Pin current app to the right side of the screen

Alt + Equals (=)

Maximize current window

Alt + Minus (-)

Minimize current window

Search + Alt + M

Move window between screens (when using multiple monitors)

Webpage Navigation

Ctrl + Plus (+)

Zoom in

Ctrl + Minus (-)

Zoom out

Ctrl + 0 (Zero)

Reset zoom to 100%

Ctrl + F

Search the current page

Alt + Left

Go back one page

Alt + Right

Go forward one page

Alt + Up

Scroll up page. Equivalent to Page Up key in Windows

Alt + Down

Scroll down page. Equivalent to Page Down key in Windows

Ctrl + Alt + Up

Jump to top of page. Equivalent to Home key in Windows

Ctrl + Alt + Down

Jump to bottom of page. Equivalent to End key in Windows

Chrome OS System

Shift + Alt + N

Show notifications

Ctrl + Forward Slash (/)

Open Help

Ctrl + Alt + Forward Slash (/)

Show Chrome OS shortcuts reference window

Search + L

Lock screen

Ctrl + Shift + Q (twice)

Sign out of Google account

Ctrl + Shift + Plus (+)

Increase screen resolution

Ctrl + Shift + Minus (-)

Decrease screen resolution

Ctrl + Shift + Zero (0)

Reset screen resolution

Alt + Brightness Up/Down

Increase/decrease keyboard backlight (if applicable)

Ctrl + Window Switcher

Take screenshot of the entire screen

Ctrl + Shift + Window Switcher

Take screenshot of selected region

Ctrl + Full Screen

Toggle external monitor modes (if applicable)

Text Editing

Alt + Search

Toggle Caps Lock

Alt + Backspace

Delete next character. Equivalent to Delete key on Windows

Ctrl + Backspace

Delete previous word

Ctrl + Alt + Backspace

Delete next word

Ctrl + A

Select all

Ctrl + L

Select all text in the address bar

Ctrl + Right/Left

Move the cursor to the next/previous word

Ctrl + Shift + Right/Left

Select next/previous word

Shift + Search + Right/Left

Select all text to the end/beginning of the current line

Ctrl + Search + Right/Left

Jump to the end/beginnning of a text field/document

Ctrl + C


Ctrl + X


Ctrl + V


Ctrl + Shift + V

Paste without formatting

Ctrl + Z


Ctrl + Y


Trackpad Shortcuts

Alt + Click

Equivalent to a right-click

Click with three fingers

Equivalent to a middle-click

Swipe up or down with two fingers

Scroll up or down on the page

Swipe right/left with two fingers

Go forward/back one page

Swipe down with three fingers

Equivalent to the Window Switcher key

Swipe right/left with three fingers

Move between open Chrome tabs

Accessibility/Advanced Navigation

Shift + Alt + B

Highlight bookmarks bar; use arrows to navigate

Shift + Alt + T

Highlight the icons in the address bar row

Shift + Alt + S

Highlight the status area at the bottom-right

Shift + Alt+ L

Highlight the first shelf icon

Ctrl + Back

Move to previous keyboard-accessible area on screen

Ctrl + Forward

Move to next keyboard-accessible area on screen

Shift + Search + Volume Up

Opens right-click menu for highlighted element

Search + Ctrl + H

Toggle high contrast mode

Search + Ctrl + M

Magnify the entire screen

Search + Ctrl + D

Magnify part of the screen

Ctrl + Alt + Z

Toggle ChromeVox, the built-in screen reader


Ctrl + Enter

Add "www." and ".com" to text in the address bar and open page

Ctrl + Period (.)

Show hidden files in Files app

Search + 1 — Search + Equals (=)

Use F keys (F1 through F12)

Ctrl + Alt + Period (.)

Switch to next user (if applicable)

Ctrl + Alt + Comma (,)

Switch to previous user (if applicable)

Ctrl + Shift + Space

Cycle between keyboard languages (if applicable)

Alt + Shift + M

Open Files app



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